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Body Genie Stl LLC
Cavitation Lipo
3 for $325 or 5 for $575
This painless treatment melts unwanted fat by using low frequency sound waves to liquefy your fat cells, transforming their contents into free fatty acids. Your body can then, eliminate these toxins through sweat and urine.
Laser Lipo
3 for $250 or 5 for $450
This treatment use laser energy to penetrate your fat cells and create tiny holes in their membranes. This process allows the cells to release its stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water resulting in shrinkage.
Skin Tightening
3 for $250 or 5 for $450
This treatment uses RF energy to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, fine lines and loose skin. This combination cause contractions of the skin which stimulates production of new collagen resulting in tighter, younger looking skin.
Non Surgical Butt Lift
Vacuum Therapy
3 for $250 or 5 for $450
Vacuum therapy is a painless non surgical technique that lifts and reshapes your buttocks via suction cups. This process can mimic the results of a traditional BBL without the risks of surgery or down time.
Non Surgical Breast Lift
Basic Breast Lift $50
Vacuum Therapy
Genie Breast Lift $85
Vacuum Therapy/ Skin Tightening
Cellulite Treatment
Skin Tightening $75
Radio Frequency
Columbian Contour $100
Wood Therapy/ Radio Frequency
Body Genie Contour $125
Wood Therapy/ Radio Frequency/ Cavitation
Lymphatic Massage
After Surgery Care
Basic Massage $50
Wood Therapy/ Drain Massage
Columbian Massage $100
Wood Therapy/ Radio Frequency/ Drain Massage
Genie Massage $125
Radio Frequency/ Cavitation/ Drain Massage
Fibrosis Therapy
3 for $325 or 5 for $575
After surgery your body can accumulate fluid which can harden and form a fibrosis. This unpleasant side effect is painful and could become permanent if left untreated. If your body feels firm and lumpy, or you have dark bruises we recommend Fibrosis Therapy.
Breast Enhancement
Vacuum Therapy
3 for $250 or 5 for $450
This non surgical treatment plumps your breasts via suction cups resulting in a more voluptuous look and feel. This process can mimic the results of the traditional breast enhancement without the risks of surgery.
Wood Therapy
One Area $75 or 3 for $200
Stomach & Back $125 or 3 for $325
Butt & Thighs $150 or 3 for $400
Wood therapy uses purposely shaped wood tools to sculpt your body in the desired areas. These wood instruments can drain accumulated fluid, relocate fat, break down fat, reduce cellulite and reshape your body.
Lymphatic Massage
5 for $325 or 10 for $700
A Seroma is a collection of fluid that builds up under the skin after surgery. To help your body drain these fluids and speed up your healing process Lymphatic Drain Massages are highly recommended.
Cellulite Reduction
Body Sculpting
3 for $325 or 5 for $575
For this treatment we use a combination of special devices to massage the skin and soften hard areas. This process can break down and excrete stubborn pockets of fat trapped underneath your skin and tone your body
Detox Sauna Blanket
Sweat Detox
3 for $200 or 5 for $325
Our Detox Sauna blanket uses infrared heat to activate your sweat glands which forces your body to burn calories. This treatment promotes weight loss and detoxification by eliminating unwanted toxins resulting in loss of inches.
Body Genie Stl LLC
5856 Delmar B
Saint Louis, MO 63112
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